New Year’s Resolutions are plentiful – 70% of us make them. Here are some good ways to keep your resolutions.

  1. Join a contest: A contest could be just what the doctor ordered. Contests such as Conditioning Specialists’ Biggest Winner Challenge incentivize its contestants to stick to a program by offering prizes to its participants and the potential of a hefty cash prize. These types of contests also offer accountability to the participants whom enter – one of the top reasons New Year’s Resolutions aren’t met.
  2. Put your money where your mouth is: Using sites like, a person can bet that he or she will achieve their fitness goal. The process is rather easy: set your goal, set the stakes, get a referee, and add friends for support. Don’t have a goal? The site even offers suggestions.
  3. Keep it simple: Don’t make too many resolutions. A grocery list of 100 goals you’d like to achieve in the first quarter of the New Year is unrealistic – especially if you’re still trying to cross off the same goals that have been floating around your lists for the past decade. Pick one or two and set you plan of attack.
  4. Spread the word: A sure way to keep motivated is to tell people about your goal. It’s a lot harder to have that extra piece of cake if you’ve told everyone around you that you’re trying to drop that extra 10 pounds you picked up over the holidays. The eyes of guilt will haunt you … even if the constant teasing doesn’t.
  5. Make a list: Make a list of all the reason you haven’t achieved this goal already. Now, more importantly, make a list of the reason you must achieve this goal. How would you feel if you didn’t achieve it? How would you feel if you did achieve it? Visualize success daily and feel the reward!


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