Business Coaching Blog

Everyone Thinks You Have it All … But We Know The Truth
It’s 8 PM, and you’re just getting home from the office, but your day isn’t over yet. You grab something quickly on the way home

Inspiration is easy – it’s the next step that’s hard
A lot of people complain about not being inspired or not knowing what to do, but I find that it’s not inspiration that’s lacking. It may be in that very moment, but that’s not the real issue at hand.

Things are going great… until they’re not
The worst part of this equation is it’s happened before. You think you’ve “made it out” only to find yourself in a groundhog’s day scenario, repeating past mistakes and ending up in the exact same place you thought you had grown out of.

You’re a Fake
The truth is that you’re scared and don’t know what to do.
You’re turning into your parents – and it scares the crap out of you.
Sure, you can make people laugh, and in short bursts, you’re great to be around… but what about long stents? Can you be with yourself?

Making the jump is scary
Making the jump is scary. I just got off the phone with an executive with a dream. His dream is to leave his high paying

Are you an absentee father in your own home?
Absentee Father There’s a trend going around all over social media and with “talking heads” proclaiming that you’ll find nirvana if you just hustle harder

How do you know what you want?
The easiest way to know what it is that you want is to start by thinking of ten things you never want to experience again.

So…why aren’t you happy?
☑️ You got the job you always wanted. ☑️ You got the partner you always wanted (mostly anyway). ☑️ You even have the car. So

Dangers of Executive Coaching
Imagine sitting in your chair as you stare off into space listening to the drones of a voice on the other end of the phone.

Do you ever wonder how you have gotten this far in business?
Business strategy The feeling that at any moment, someone’s going to pull back the curtain, see what’s really going on and yell “Ah Ha! I
Doug Holt
I've helped thousands of people break through personal barriers and grow their business to heights previously unimagined. Read more about me ...
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Mastermind Group
Mastermind Groups are a powerful way to create synergy and take your business to the next level.