A review of Rapportive – a Gmail extension that allows you to view your contacts social profiles and activities right in your email.

There’s no question that staying connected is as important as ever. Some say that it’s more important. But with Twitter feeds, LinkedIn updates, Facebook status, and basic email, how can you possibly stay on top of things? One way is Rapportive (http://rapportive.com/).

I was turned onto Rapportive by Richard Baxtor (@RichardBaxtor) during the 2013 MozCon. When I installed it, I was pleased with what it provided – a broader view of the person I was communicating with via email.

Typical Gmail allows you to connect with someone via their own social network, Google+, but you can only view their information if they add you back into one of their Circles. Below the profile, you’re given a series of ads that Google believes you’ll love (and click on).

Rapportive product review

Rapportive replaces those ads on the right side of the inbox with information about your contact and the ability to connect to them through LinkedIn, follow them on Twitter, and add them as a friend on Facebook. Once connected, assuming they connect with you via LinkedIn and Facebook (Twitter is automatic in most cases), you are able to then see their latest updates. This can be useful in keeping up with friends, but it’s also a great way to engage a potential lead and prospect since you know a little more about what they are currently posting.

Rapportive a product review

As with all tools, Rapportive is only as good as you use it. So far, I’m happy with the results I’ve gotten and Rapportive has allowed me to streamline my work and keep in touch more easily. Give it a shot and put your comments down below to let others know how it’s worked for you.

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