I understand how difficult it can be to find the right speaker: someone who is dynamic, entertaining, but also has a firm grasp on the subject matter. This is why we work hard to customize each presentation to the needs of the group we’re working with. Our most popular topics include:
Look Good Naked: How to look and feel your best at any age. Each of us wants to look our best, but with so much misinformation out there, how do you know what to do? I’ll share my two decades of experience working with people to help take the mystery out of the science of looking and feeling your best.
Outsourcing and the New Geoarbitrage: We truly live in a global economy. The screen you’re reading right now has components made all over the world and by people in various countries. How can a business ethically leverage this new economy and harness the power of an intelligent workforce around the globe… or in the town next to yours.
Internet Marketing and the SEO Myth: With everyone claiming to be an expert, what does a business owner need to know about Internet marketing and search engine optimization? I break through the marketing hype and share with you take-home strategies that you can use today to ensure you’re on the top of the rankings and how to determine if you’re investing in the right marketing plan.
Executive Fitness: Road warriors and corporate gladiators are notorious killers in the boardroom, but so many have neglected the one body they have that allows them to thrive. I share with the team how they can increase not only their productivity, but look and feel their best while dominating in the corporate world.
If you would like more information, or you would like to schedule a speaking event, please contact us and someone on my team will get back to you right away.