What is the lie at the center of your life that makes your life not work?

I’m not good enough.
I can’t afford to do it. 
I’m not worthy. 
The timing isn’t right.

There are a lot of variations of these, but most of the ones I hear revolve around a few central themes. Chances are, yours does too.

What would your life be like if this subconscious belief didn’t guide you?

What would life be like if you knew in your heart that you were good enough… you were worth the investment… you were worthy of greatness… and the timing was now?

What would that life look like?

It’s worth taking a moment to ponder. Unless you know you have a second shot at life, why not take your shot now?

I’d love to know, what is the lie at the center of your life that makes your life not work?

That is of course if you feel you’re good enough to share. ????

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